Village of Hope Community Farm School in Nairobi
When I made a round of Waldorf schools in East Africa in January 2023, I had an appointment with a farmer from an organic-dynamic farm. He had traveled from Matungu in Kakamega County to the big city of Nairobi to talk to me about his dream: a Waldorf school on the land of the Village of Hope Community Farm. Vincent Musiko had graduated in BD agriculture in London, back in Kenya he spoke a lot at conferences and at the Waldorf teacher training in Nairobi. His wife runs a home for disabled children. But he had no idea how to set up a school. We often had brief contact. Those are the blessings of the fast media.
In the meantime, he has contact with 66 families from his community and there are 100 children who may possibly come to the school. Regional education in the region leaves much to be desired. A kindergarten will be started and from there grow into a first and second grade. A Waldorf training can be followed at the East African Teacher Training.
In his search for qualified board members, Vincent was surprised to find quite a few anthroposophists in the region. On his message to the training in London that the IHF is willing to support him in his plans, he was immediately offered help to guide the start of the school, in January. Now teachers still need to be found. Fortunately, he knows the Waldorf world in Kenya well. But we are also looking for adventurous experienced colleagues from other countries who can help. Feel free to call me for information. It is completely missing on the internet. There are more Villages of Hope, but they have nothing to do with this one in Matungu.