A new fence under construction

Publication: autumn 2024 | Posted: 5 days ago | 46 views

In the spring, I let you know that the Baantontham preschool in Udon Thani, Thailand, is seeking financial support to refurbish their school and playground. With support from the Vrije School Brabant, which donated part of the market proceeds to the IHF, work has begun on the refurbishment. It was decided to start with the fencing around the playground. Part of it is already up and the materials have been purchased. Unfortunately, the work is not yet finished due to the rainy season.

Would you like to make a financial contribution so that it becomes possible for Principal Suputtra Phusiri to refurbish the school?

de aanleg van een schoolhek bij de thaise vrijeschool Baantontham

Mira Spelbrink

Portefeuillehouder China en Zuid-Oost Azië

Met veel passie en toewijding begeleid ik kleuters aan het begin van hun schooltijd inhun ontwikkeling met behulp van alles aspecten dat de Vrijeschool pedagogie ons biedt. Het vrijeschool/Waldorf/Steiner onderwijs gun ik alle kinderen, waar ter wereld ook!
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